
Jan 7, 20212 min

The Fishing Shack...

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

It's a sport I will personally never understand. Besides the fact that's it's freezing out, or that you have to touch the freezing water or freezing fish or bundle up because, yeah, it's freezing! It's Minnesota! We live where the air hurts your face! You've seen the memes. There's a theme here.. IT'S FREEZING! But hey, from what I hear it's a great time to sit back, drink some beer and enjoy the company of whoever else enjoys things that are freezing.

Ice Fishing. Not something I can talk a whole lot on. I can however, talk lots (probably too much) about your ice house and the coverage you do or do not have. My first question to you is: Do you know that although you carry coverage on your fancy shcmancy (it's a real word!) Ice Castle that if it falls through the ice you may not indeed have coverage?

Uh oh. Where'd my ice house go?

Say what? Its true. Some policies do not cover your ice house falling through the ice. Some companies only cover it if it falls through the ice ATTACHED TO YOUR VEHICLE! Crazy, I know. Or what about theft? For those that have a permanent winter spot you park the ice house, are you covered if someone breaks in and steals your supplies? Or worse, your ice castle itself? I joke, but I do know how expensive some of these ice houses can really be. And how devastating it would be to not have coverage to replace something that valuable.

This is why we stress so often to have a conversation with your agent. Perhaps you recently switched policies, maybe you moved the coverage from one agency to another, from one company to another. Maybe you're using the "do it yourself" tool offered by so many on line carries that you aren't even aware of the coverage you carry.

Will you be left standing on the ice? Check your coverage or you might just be sitting on a 5 gallon bucket by a hole or shacking with your buddy down the lake. Then you might have to share that secret fishing spot we talked about when you lost your new fancy boat because you thought it was covered under your homeowners policy. We seriously can not stress enough how important it is to have these conversations with your agent. Don't wait until you're looking for your now sunk ice house. Let's make sure you have the right coverage in place for all of your toys or recreational vehicles. Give us a call. Or hey, invite any of my co-workers out to the ice house! I'll keep the office warm.
